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Indonesia Gadget Prediction /

Indonesia Gadget Prediction /

by M. Sufyan, Sharing Vision’s lessoner

To forecast Indonesia’s cell phone trend, will connect as read as directly with International Herald Tribune’s interesting article at San Franciso, 28th May 2010. Dethroning Microsoft with a Swipe of a Finger, the name of article, said that current and future technology isn’t display in front of your desk. But, most fit with your hand.

Practically, its belong to Apple. Sales growth of iPhone, their smartphone, recorded as 172 million unit from its release. Or five stage higher than Apple’s computer/notebok sales. Ability for running various application from MackBook to iPhone smoothly, had makes cell phone now become preference global people choice when browse cyber world.

Apple, base on IDC date on last quarter of 2009, known had 169.767 smartphone application, Android (27.243 application), Nokia (4.491 application), BlackBerry (5.862 application), and Palm (1.806 application). From these number, Android had 57% free application, Palm (32%), Apple (25%), BlackBerry (24%), and Nokia (15%). Therefore, belong to concept of content is the king’s, smarthpone aplication is being bigger. Day by day.

This situation held in Indonesia, especially in middle up cell phone from early of this years —eventhough Apple’s with application succes are not implementated here. We can see eight biggest vendor, Nokia, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, LG, Motorola, RIM, HTC, and Huawei, whose promote application power in your hand. Good cell phone criteria are great design, attractive screen, with high resolution camera, now, become old concept. Especially after Indosat Tbk, Indonesia’s number two telco’s operator, release six Android handheld on last February.

Telkomsel as market leader, noted to be first carrier to provide Android smartphone (with HTC Magic on middle of 2009) also provide gadget with thousand application. Moreover, they provided also iPhone 3G and 3GS.
XL Axiata, 3rd telco Indonesia operator, do same things. Their strategy is sold affordable Android consistenly, such as i-mobile IE6010, and latest, Huawei Aviator, with WiFi accest point advantage. Rest of GSM carrier, Natrindo Telepon Seluler and Hutchinson Indonesia, offering application smartphone too, with BlackBerry and their cheapest rate services with IDR 2500 each days.

So, from these situation, we will miss premium cell phone which focus design sector totally. Producen had realise that people need not always in physically approach, but also at life’s best solutions from gadget. Then, extended question after middle up, what Indonesia cell phone trend in low segment –price below IDR 1 million? Its question strategic refer to GFK statement that 60%–70% from cell phone sales in Indonesia comes from low segment.

In my opinion, that answer similar with middle up segment. People with limited budget starts to finds cell phone with application ability too. At least, local brand China product cell phone (about 70 entity) currently promote the power of Internet application. Phisically, they offerring qwerty board (which identic with Internet services) and also strategy of UUF aka. Ujung-Ujungnya Facebook! Regarding two local brand handheld glory, Nexian and HT Mobile, they are proven sell qwerty board with acces link to Mark Zuckerberg sites.

Local brand just got strenght there. But, we see another evidence. That Indonesia future technologies/gadgets are not display in front of your desk. But, most fit with your hand.

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Posted 05 Aug 2010 in Sharing Vision

Syukuran Adipura Kedua Tahun 2008 Kota Bitung

Ini adalah dokumentasi foto pelaksanaan ibadah syukur penerimaan trofi Adipura kedua di masa pemerintahan Hanny Sondakh-Robert Lahindo sebagai walikota dan wakil walikota Bitung periode 2006-2011. Trofi Adipura ini sebenarnya sudah yang ketiga kali di terima oleh Kota Bitung setelah pertama kali diterima di masa pemerintahan walikota Drs. S.H. Sarundajang pada tahun 1991 Dengan demikian, sampai dengan tahun 2012 ini, Bitung telah lima kali menerima penghargaan sebagai salah satu kota terbersih di Indonesia. 


Tag: bitung, adipura, kota terbersih, pelabuhan bitung, walikota bitung, hanny sondakh, dinas kebersihan, jumat bersih, penghargaan presiden republik indonesia, trofi adipura, piala adipura, balai pertemuan umum, ibadah syukur, BCC, Bitung City Choir
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