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The oldest conjoined twins, now 59 years old. They are Donnie Galyon and Ronnie Galyon, born October 28, 1951 in Dayton, Ohio, United States.


Bamboo wind traditional music from Bitung City North Sulawesi Indonesia

Musik tradisional tiup bambu dari Kota Bitung Sulawesi Utara Indonesia


Attractions of fishing tuna fish  using pole and line at Lembeh Strait Festival II in 2010 in Aertembaga City of Bitung.

Atraksi cara tangkap ikan cakalang secara tradisional dengan menggunakan pole and line pada acara Festival Selat Lembeh II Tahun 2010 di Aertembaga Kota Bitung.


My little girl is learning to appear in public, following the singing contest Bitung city level.
Gadis kecilku sedang belajar tampil di depan umum, mengikuti lomba bintang vokalia


The grandfathers follow the balloon race. Funny and funny!

Opa-opa ikut lomba balap balon. Lucuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.


Latihan bela diri Polisi Pamong Praja Wanita di Kota Bitung. Ciaaaaaatt......

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